Saturday, January 19, 2008


I often seek peacefulness in my surroundings; quiet, candlelit solitary times which revive me physically and mentally. Some people say that the way to tell if you are an introvert or an extrovert is how you feel around lots of people; an introvert may genuinely enjoy people but is revitalized by being alone but an extrovert is energized by lots of company.
I am an introvert. Even after many years of practicing hospitality, having and raising many children and, in short, mingling with quite a number of human beings, I still find myself seeking that oh-so-important time alone. I love it! But I struggle with feeling like there is something wrong with me because I am still "this way" after all these years. Somehow, I think I should be more "broken in" and relaxed about noise and chaos and crowds by now! What is my problem?

After "contemplating" this (versus finding someone to talk to about it :), I realize that I am created this way for a purpose. God has made everyone different and this, too, is His will and plan. Although I must battle the natural inclination to be selfish with my time God made me like this and He said, "It is good"! And I find great peace in knowing that.

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